Rise of Indian Nationalism- A movement to reclaim India
- In Politics
- 03:32 AM, Apr 19, 2016
- Ratan Sharda
Ideological battle between people who believe in cultural nationhood of 6000+ years of Bharat i.e. India and west oriented left-secular lobby of self-proclaimed closely networked intellectual class that believed that India was born on 15th August 1947 to be moulded into an Idea of India is not new. This is at the root of smoke & fire games being played in the name of Intolerance and JNU unrest etc.
This battle began in the right earnest with Nehru’s ascent on main stage with benign blessings of Gandhi ji who imposed him on a party that had overwhelmingly chosen a typical son-of-the-soil Sardar Patel as its natural leader. Over years, especially after Nehru ascended the seat of power after independence, unfettered by Mahtama Gandhi’s sad assassination whom Congress never tried sincerely to protect; Nehru consolidated his position vis-à-vis nationalists and socialists with national underpinnings within his own party and worked towards their political elimination. PurshottamDas Tandon being just once example of this.
Then, slowly the communists and pseudo-communists began dominating the political and economic discourse with a Fabian socialist turned USSR fan, Nehru, introducing 5 year plans for India. This was the time when intelligent native leader like Charan Singh was thrown out.
This coterie idolized Nehru as the harbinger of ‘Idea of India’ and sold theory with Marxist inspiration that India was never a nation, till British welded it into a one. They bought British theory and sold the idea down the line that India was a nation that hosted a number of marauders beginning with Aryans who were followed by Turks, Mughals and so on. So, India was nothing but a ‘sarai’ or a ‘guest house’ that was home to so many migrating, not invading races.
Nehru’s lessons to young Indira Gandhi in form of ‘Discovery of India’ became template for history writing with his fawning courtiers raising Nehru to the pedestal of a historian while highly acknowledged historians like R C Majumdar, Jadunath Sarkar etc were pushed into some inside shelves and removed from history syllabi. Others not toeing this line were simply barricaded from hallowed precincts of universities and institutions. It was an exclusivist club.
Their intellectual laziness and bankruptcy was exposed when they refused to accept new proofs that totally denied the theory of Aryan Invasion and Aryan-Dravidian divide - that never was. They refused to allow search of Saraswati River as it would probably upset their Indus valley theory, though it actually complemented it. Because it would prove that there was no such invasion and there was an ancient perennially flowing Bharatiya civilization that is more than 6000 year old. They refused even to look at scientific proof of Ram Temple after scientific research by ASI under the watch of High Court.
While west educated elite bought their ideas, deep down the ‘native’ who actually lived the spirit of Bharat with its age old cultural underpinnings somehow refused to buy this idea. Thus, English dominated institutions lived in their own well-argued world while common ‘unwashed, semi-literate’ or ‘orthodox’ ‘reactionary’ citizenry lived its own cocooned life preserving and nurturing the age-old wisdom of the Bharatiya civilization. There were many in twilight zone who got educated in this make believe world but somehow were not convinced, but too afraid to speak out fearing ex-communication from privileged class.
This chasm was cemented further during Indira Gandhi’s time. She co-opted left-liberal lobby as she searched for a new political personality while splitting Congress. On the other side, derided and demonised by Nehruvian cabal, Dr. Keshav Baliram Hedgewar’s vehicle of national renaissance went along working quietly in the remotest corners of India, nurturing the true spirit of Bharat keeping soul of nationalism rooted in this soil, raising people’s pride in their culture, heritage and creating a strong body of nationalist citizens. The so called liberal-Marxist lobby could not really grasp the significance of this movement spearheaded by RSS since 1925.
They refused to acknowledge role of RSS in liberating India from dictatorial emergency, revelling in deliberate ignorance and deriding it. It was like wishing away a large segment of population wedded to Indian nationalism, rooted in reality, not too keen to take up intellectual battles; but working with common people and raising their level of consciousness for their motherland.
Mr L K Advani spelled out the problem with Indian politics by labelling left-liberal thought process as ‘pseudo-secularism’. When BJP first took power in 1998-99 they were stumped and looked at BJP led government as usurpers. Congressification of ideas of BJP-NDA helped dilute this philosophy for some time.
Slowly but surely, the upsurge of nationalist ideology saw rise of BJP to power in many states. Still the only weapon of mass destruction against rising tide of nationalism and belief in ancient nationhood that left-liberals could think of was demonizing RSS and Hindutva related ideas. They could never think of anything beyond this (even till now).
This was followed by the rise of Mr. Narendra Modi on the national stage. Suddenly, the quiet silent nationalist mass of Indians found a leader who could liberate them from the pompous left dominated political suffocation.
When Left-liberal class saw the writing on the wall, they unleashed their campaign of calumny. Beginning with their petition in April 2014, appealing people to defeat Modi as he would be a disaster, it went onto resurface in various shapes and forms – be it intolerance, attack on minorities, or Hyderabad University or JNU. The hypocrisy of this cabal supported strongly by highly biased sections of media who dropped all pretensions of objectivity has been soundly exposed by counter response to JNU from people and their own response to happenings in NIT or killing fields of Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh and bomb making cottage industries of Bengal. No leaders in the history of India, has been criticised, derided and insulted the way PM Modi has been.
I had noted in 2014 that Modi is a non-conformist unorthodox leader who has emerged from outside the political system and opposition is worried that he will destroy status-quo. He will disturb the comfortable political relationships built on mutual interests between various political formations. His actions so far confirm this belief. Tightening screws of corrupt political order has led to shriller campaigns against him and forces supporting him.
While I was disturbed and upset all these months with this unjustified attacks on PM Modi and RSS, the level of debate last few months tells me that these are death cries of left-liberal forces who see end of their monopoly of power over academia, media, perks of power and with this, waning of their ideological movement that is already being rejected in their lands of inspiration.
I feel that vicious games played in Haryana, Hyderabad, JNU etc are nothing but toxicity built over last six decades rising to the top with all the churning that India has seen during last 3-4 years. The silent, modern citizen who believed in an ancient nationhood and wisdom of its civilization has decided to take on rootless people living off knowledge served on a platter by west that had its own agenda, people who refused to acknowledge the true spirit of Bharat. This citizen is now talking back.
Now , I seek solace from the thought that this poison rising from socio-political churning (manthan) will ultimately dissipate and we will see rise of a confident, proud nationhood that is truly Bharatiya that accepts all good ideas from the world but refuses to be taken in by falsehood of ‘Idea of India’ that inculcates a sense of inferiority and self-loathing.
On this New Hindu year day that forces us to be amazed at sheer genius of Hindu seers and scientists who created a calendar that has not required any correction or fine tuning to the point of 1/6th of a second over 6000 years or more; question is who will digest the ‘poison’ that left-liberals are spewing. Who will be that Shiva? I think, our civilization has assimilated many such poisons earlier too and moved on with dignity. The civilizational wisdom will see to it that poison doesn’t infect others but is absorbed within by our wise society at a cost of some pain. Indian society with roots in Dharma will be that Shiva.