Punjab reports 1,068 stubble burning cases in a single day, NASA images reveal 740% surge in farm fires
- In Reports
- 07:26 PM, Oct 31, 2023
- Myind Staff
As per the data Punjab has experienced an abrupt surge in stubble burning following a comparably smoke-free October. The state has witnessed an astonishing 740 percent increase in farm fire incidents, with 1,068 reported in a single day during the current harvesting season. NASA's Worldview satellite has documented instances of stubble burning in Punjab between October 25 and 29. The farm fires are illustrated by the presence of red dots on the images.
In response to the satellite image alert, the local administration promptly dispatched its fire brigade team to extinguish the farm fires. In areas inaccessible to the fire brigade, alternative methods are employed to put out the fires. It's worth noting that despite the upward trend in farm fires this season, there has been a substantial 57 percent reduction in such incidents between September 15 and October 29 compared to the previous year.
Between September 15 and October 29, the state recorded a total of 5,254 farm fire incidents, a significant reduction from the 12,112 cases observed during the same period the previous year. This decline in other states baring Punjab can be attributed to unexpected weather events, including floods, which caused delays in stubble burning. The Commission for Air Quality Management (CAQM) expects that harvesting activities will intensify in the coming weeks.
Paddy straw burning in Punjab and Haryana is identified as a major contributor to the concerning increase in air pollution levels in the national capital during October and November. Given the narrow timeframe for the Rabi crop, particularly wheat, following the paddy harvest, some farmers resort to burning their fields to swiftly clear crop residue for the subsequent planting season.
The central government has allocated an approximate sum of ₹3,333 crore to the state governments of Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, and Delhi as part of the Crop Residue Management Scheme. This significant allocation underscores the commitment to address the issue of crop residue in these regions. The funds are aimed at facilitating and supporting efforts to manage agricultural residue effectively, with a focus on improving the environmental and agricultural landscape.
These funds facilitate the subsidized purchase of machinery by individual farmers, custom hiring centers, and cooperatives. The acquired machinery is intended for the on-site handling of paddy straw, as well as for the acquisition of baling and raking machines and equipment to be used for off-site applications.
Image source: Twitter