NASA adopts Sanskrit to develop artificially intelligent machines
- In Reports
- 06:41 PM, Sep 02, 2021
- Myind Staff
Intellectual communities have always considered Sanskrit an important language. While the language has an ancient origin, it has some remarkable characteristics that makes it useful in a wide range of fields. It is also used for therapy sessions in psychology and for spiritual remissions. In the recent years, it has been implicated in artificial intelligence demonstrating its worth as a valuable field of literature.
In addition to machine learning and even artificial intelligence, the grammar of Sanskrit makes it suitable for them. The possibility of developing artificially intelligent machines using Sanskrit is exciting for historians and regular people alike because it exploits on the past in a unique way to produce solutions for the future.
The relation between NASA and Sanskrit is not new. It all began in 1985 when a NASA associate scientist published a research paper in the spring issue of Artificial Intelligence magazine. (Volume 6 Number 1). The name of the scientist was Rick Briggs who submitted his research entitled Vedic Science- ‘Knowledge Representation in Sanskrit and Artificial Intelligence.’
Natural languages were used as the best option to convert to the computer program for robotics and artificial intelligence in the article. The research focuses on Sanskrit as one of the most suitable languages to be used in computing techniques among the many other languages. Rick Briggs provided the following summary of his research paper in his own words derived from the same journal article, although a full discussion will be supplied in the article onwards.
NASA has been researching this subject for more than three decades. There had been a lot of money, time, and resources invested. To enhance Artificial Intelligence efficiency, the results of this study favour the integration of a language that converts into machine-learning capabilities. NASA takes a keen interest in Sanskrit and conducts authentic research into it on many levels as indicated by the above phrase. While the paper was published in 1985, which is almost 3 decades ago, it is a commonly-known fact that NASA's research is prolonged over decades to come to an official conclusion.
At present, NASA is also exploring on Artificial Intelligence for space communications, proving that it has never closed the door on the topic of "Artificial Intelligence Development".
Image source: Analytics Insight