India is in Transition
- In Current Affairs
- 10:32 AM, Dec 17, 2016
- Bimal Prasad Mohapatra
By 14th August 2017, India will be completing her seven decades of self-rule. Within one decade of independence her transition from two centuries old colonial rule to self rule should have been complete like it happened in the United States of America which has emerged as one of the greatest nations in the world. Unfortunately, this did not happen, thanks to the westernized elite who ruled India since independence. As a result, India, which houses one of the world’s most ancient civilizations, has not found any united national ambition and direction like many other great nations on the earth have. In fact what we have gained is division, disunity and disruption, and large-scale discontent, poverty, illiteracy, unemployment, etc.
Transition is not supposed to be restricted to governance or to say colonial governance to democratic governance. Governance/politics of nation should have influence on all spheres of national activities such as economy, social system, culture, education, religion, etc.
The colonial ruler occupied huge Indian sub-continent in phases, one by one - territory by territory over a period of half century. Similarly, it established its governance with its occupation of territories. But it had established an almost uniform transition from the then governance to colonial governance which remained unchanged throughout its rule till 15th August 1947, the day India own freedom (Here I’ve not included Pakistan though it was part of Ancient India to British India). And British India during the colonial rule had one objective i. e. looting India to enrich Great Britain. During its rule, it had not only destroyed India’s pre-colonial governance system but also her economy, social system, culture, education, etc., and attempted to tamper native culture though with little success compared to the success the Islamic rule had achieved. However, within two centuries, things started changing with native uprising. By the time, India won its freedom, the colonial rule was so strongly embedded into India’s body politics, economy, education, culture and social system that India though won her freedom with discovery of its own strength in philosophy of non-violence, cottage industry economy, which is best explained with example of khadi, walking stick; yet she couldn’t return to pre-colonial practices partly because its elites by that time had been very powerful, and were almost westernized.
Independent India accepted democratic governance, and with it Western politics, economy and education. But the awakening of Indians which was fueled by Mahatma Gandhi’s Indian system of resistance, which was dormant post-independence, once again awakened them when after three to four decades of self-rule they felt cheated due to corrupt democratic governance that the westernized dynasty rule imposed on Indians with help of westernized elite who continued to dominate the associates of democratic governance such as judiciary, bureaucracy, media and civil society. All these contributed to continuance of colonial time large-scale poverty, illiteracy and deprivation. Thus the transition from the colonial rule to self-rule was found incomplete. Yes, in-between, there were short or to say failed interventions with short Shastri rule in mid-1960 and Janata Party rule in late-1970. After the four decades of dynasty dominated self-rule, the people of India were so disturbed and confused that they could not decide whom to elect to rule them which led to divided verdicts in one after another election totaling seven General Elections in about two and half decades from 1989 to 2009.
In 2014, the voters of India elected Narendra Modi who prior to this occasion had ruled Gujarat for more than one decade uninterrupted giving the state decisive and stable government, and completely transitioned government absolutely free from corruption the aspect people of India considered the main reason of their poverty, illiteracy and deprivation. Soon after he got elected he has been working tirelessly to get a completely transitioned India through his mantra of transformation which was supposed to be achieved in first decade following independence. The support PM Modi has been getting from aam aadmi over the painful issue of recently launched demonetization with primary objective to curtail corruption and blackmoney demonstrates how aam aadmi uniformly accept the corruption as the singular most reason of poverty, illiteracy, unemployment, malnutrition and deprivation. And this support pouring on despite the elite manned judiciary, media and opposition provocation to aam aadmi to revolt against Modi.
Besides, since Modi has been leading the governance he has gone on promoting from Yoga (India’s cultural essence) to khadi (cottage industry) to Swacch Bharat (health and hygiene) to all accomplishing education (Skilled India) the effort never seen during last seven decades. His effort will continue till he and his team achieve the complete transition through his declared Transforming India schemes through projects like Adarsh Gram, Smart City, Start Up and Stand Up India, Make In India, Skilled India, Energy for all, Jan Dhan, DBT, and latest being demonetization/remonetization with missionary motivation and confidence hardly seen in any of his predecessors with little exception of Atal Bihari Vajpayee and PVN Rao. But the success depends upon the people of India, who have to decide Modi’s second term in 2019, to carry forward his present effort.
Yes, there is monstrous opposition from a small population called metro elite, who own powerful Fourth Estate, and who man judiciary and civil society, who since the Nehru’s days have been dominating public discourse and decision making, deciding nation’s fate. And they virtually disallowed anybody from outside their clan to rule India. Modi not belonging to metro elite, and elected by aam aadmi to rule aam aadmi. In view of this, their resistance against him is not unexpected. However, If India must finally transition it is important to support what seems like temporary chaos.