Latest Reports: India raises concerns about Myanmar violence; flags arms, narcotics trafficking  US has sought accountability from India over ‘murder for hire’ plot: Campbell  3 terrorists shot dead in gunfight with security forces in J&Ks Doda   DRDO hands over Medium Range-Microwave Obscurant Chaff Rocket to Indian Navy   False and misleading: IRCTC debunks e-ticket booking restrictions claims  New telecom rules that strengthen centres control to be effective partially from today  Speakers 2-minute silence on Emergency triggers protests, adjournment   Australian government signs $18 million MoU with ISROs commercial arm  Karachi on high alert as 22 mysterious deaths uncover unidentified bodies across various areas  Indian Air Force to buy 10 indigenous TAPAS drones for enhanced surveillance  Five US States sue Pfizer over COVID-19 vaccine safety concerns, supported by Robert F. Kennedy Jr.  Defence Ministry signs 350th iDEX contract with SpacePixxel technologies for miniature satellite development  NATO selects Mark Rutte of the Netherlands as next leader  US and Maldives hold discussions on climate, economic growth, and maritime security  Bastar, known for insurgencies is set to become Indias next hub for rubber production  

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