A Propitious Attempt to Assert Hindu Identities: Inauguration of Statue of Adi Yogi
- In Current Affairs
- 11:09 AM, Feb 25, 2017
- Ramaharitha Pusarla
Maha Shivaratri is one of the most auspicious occasions celebrated by devout Hindus with utmost fervor and devotion. While different legends have various interpretations about Maha Shivaratri dedicated to worship of Mahadeva or Lord Shiva, the occasion marks destruction of darkness and ignorance. Lord Shiva, who is one among the Trimurti, in yogic convention is revered as Adi Yogi or the first yogi or the progenitor of yoga. Lord Shiva is believed to be the one who had attained “full enlightenment” around twenty thousand years ago, transmitted the knowledge of this yogic science, which enables a human being to transcend physical limitations. As Adi Guru, he imparted seven different aspects of Yoga to Saptharishis who guided the mankind to overcome limitations and compulsions in search of enlightenment. Yoga is thus the knowledge repository of the Indian Civilization which has become immensely popular in contemporary times. Yoga is a scientific way to catalyze man’s spiritual ascent towards the Creator. But over a period, the core of yoga has undergone tremendous transformation and now it has become a billion-dollar industry in Western Countries. Yoga is India’s gift to the world and with UN declaring June 21st as World Yoga Day, India asserted its claims over the scientific knowledge. Consecration of 112-ft Adi Yogi statue on the sanctimonious Maha Shivaratri day, by Prime Minister Narendra Modi at Coimbatore has a special symbolical and religious significance. Besides these connotations, this occasion has augured spirits of Hindus who have for years abysmally refrained from asserting their identities.
India, a seat of oldest civilization has glorious culture and heritage. Thousands of years of plunder, loot, brutal assaults, forced conversions, rampant proselytization has drained the cultural vitality of the great land. Further, colonization, idolization of the west had virtually annihilated the Indic identities, more prominently Hindu identities. European Colonists and foreign invaders connivingly created fissures in the Indian society and subjected the santana dharma to Abrahamic tests. Foreign subjugation had in fact set new precedents and deliberately distorted essence of Hinduism. Further, with Western ideologies and systems dominating the narratives, the traditional knowledge systems were forced to undergo the logical scientific test for total acceptance. Lack of congruent understanding about the Vedic Culture and Dharmic philosophy left especially Hindus intellectually challenged. Owing to decades of minority pandering, despite being majority, Hindus lost their prominence. Hindus now no longer take pride in professing their identities.
Unveiling of Adi Yogi statue, at a time when the entire world was thoroughly convinced of potentiality of Yoga, added heft to Indian claims of being one of the prized civilizations of the World. With the head of the state inaugurating a grand celebration that essentially reflected the Hindu culture, traditions, values, and rituals this event boosted the spirits of Hindus (since Lord Shiva is among the most highly worshipped deities of Hindus). Commemorating this momentous occasion, a book called Adi Yogi penned by Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev was released by Modi. Jaggi Vasudev emphasized yoga’s unparalleled contribution towards pursuit of happiness. Modi extolled the importance of yoga and stressed the need for protecting nature. Reiterating that diversity is source of strength not conflict for India, in a veiled dig, he asked people to “have open mind” and added “rejecting any idea because it is ancient is potentially harmful”. He said that by practicing yoga, a spirit of oneness is created. Oneness of mind, body and intellect, oneness with our families and with the society we live in, with fellow humans and with birds, animals and trees.” Truly at a time, when countries are ravaged by wars, the message of oneness, inclusivity and togetherness clearly reflects the profoundness of India. In fact, Indians should be immensely gratified having born in such a hallowed land, whose prayers are for peace, exuberance, and wellbeing.
Modi in his speech has also underlined the need for peaceful co-existence and cited the example of Lord Siva’s family as how rat, snake, peacock (the vehicles of Lord Ganesha, Lord Shiva, Lord Karthikeya) which are symptomatically hostile towards each other stay together. He aspired for women-led development and added that “divine status of woman is unconditional (nari tu narayani) while men’s divine status is conditional”. Men have to earn the divine status by good deeds. He said “if the body is a temple, yoga creates a beautiful life. That is why I call yoga a passport to health assurance”. Finally, the firm resolution of building a great nation through building great human beings had succinctly summed up the implication of the divine knowledge, Yoga.
It is unfortunate but true that till now, Indian leadership had never openly prided in India’s traditional knowledge systems or cultural values. Modi with his phenomenal diplomatic outreach brought international recognition and acceptance for yoga. Modi’s unabashed proclamation of Indic identities in a public meeting in the US had ignited a ray of hope. Indeed, a kind of revivalism and Indic renaissance is need of the hour with border states of India witnessing severely screwed religious demographics and communal clashes. Till now political parties to preserve their core vote bank have ruthlessly degraded and denigrated Indic-values, identities and systems. May this event herald a new resurgence.