About Author
Ramsundar Lakshminarayanan
18 Articles
Ram attaches great importance to the impact his work has on people’s lives. Be it selecting a family vacation destination or cooking or solving a problem at work, he gets immense satisfaction when they enjoy the experience.
Ram is an IT Executive with Big4 and financial services background. A devotee of Ilaiyaraja songs, a non-fiction reader, former cricketer, traveler, photographer, Indic learner and an evolving writer.
Ram is a National Convenor for Indic Academy in the US. He has written for Indictoday, IndiaFacts, Pgurus, MyIndMakers and Swarajya magazines.
He is the creator of hindumisia.ai; he tweets at @cm_ram23, curates @hindumisia on twitter, and @hindumisia.ai on Instagram.