About Author
Mukul Asher and Rohini Aggarawal
3 Articles
Dr.Mukul G Asher is a Professorial Fellow at the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy at the National University of Singapore and an advisor to MyIndMakers. He is also Director, Public Policy at Global Village foundation (GVF) based in Delhi. He studied in India and the United States. His research focuses on public financial management, social security reforms in Asia, and geo-economics issues, particularly India’s external relations with the rest of Asia. He has published extensively in national and international journals; and has authored or edited more than twelve books. His most recent book is Mukul G. Asher and Fauzia Zen (eds.), Age Related Pension Expenditure and Fiscal Space, Routledge publishers, March 2016 (forthcoming). He has been a consultant to several Governments in Asia on tax policy and pension reforms; and to multilateral institutions including the Asian Development Bank, International Social Security Association, ERIA ( Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia),and the World Bank. Dr. Asher lives in Singapore.
Dr. Rohini Aggarawal is a Principal Consultant with ARX Bizness Advisors LLP and a columnist for MyIndMakers.