About Author
Anupama Handoo
14 Articles
Anupama Handoo was born in Srinagar, Kashmir at a time when Kashmiriat was still the living ethos amongst its people. Her family also got scattered around the globe after 1989, like hundreds of thousand other Kashmiri Pandits. The sharp pang of love for our Maej Kashir always lives on in Anupama’s heart.
An engineer through education and a Civil Servant in the UK government by profession, Anupama is also a Commonwealth scholar. Coming from a family of poets, Anupama writes poetry and prose on socio-political topics. She lives near London with her husband and two children. Anupama leads the Cultural and Heritage wing of Kashmiri Pandit Cultural Society (UK) – a non-profit community initiative. Her dream is that the next generation of Kashmiri Pandits are aware of their roots, speak good Kashmiri, and follow the age old cultural and religious traditions.